Here is a short video explaining how the LinkedIn crossposting system works:

The video doesn't cover how crossposting handles images. 

When a thread has a single image it will preserve it as the feature image on a LinkedIn post.

This is an example of a thread I crossposted with a single image

When there is more than one image they will be placed side-by-side in a multi-inpage container on Linked In. here is an example of a thread that was crossposted with multiple images where I chose not to remove the additional images.

When images are stacked like this people can click on them and go through each one like they would on a carousel.

More than happy to get on a call and walk through all of this if you still have questions.

Just let me know what timezone you are in and when would be ideal to call.

The post-publish page

How to cross-post from history

Example of the post-publish page.